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The Backpack Cobot

Skills: Python, MATLAB, SolidWorks

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During the summer of my sophomore year, I worked in the BioRobotics lab at CMU on the Backpack Cobot, a robot developed for manufacturing use by allowing the user to manipulate a third appendage worn on the back. This was a modular robot composed of several HEBI modules that controlled the movement of the arm, as well as a RealSense camera that allowed for integration of hand and voice commands into the robot.

My initial task was to interpret and port MATLAB based code into Python using the HEBI API as a guide to determine parallel functions between MATLAB and Python for the HEBI modules. Afterwards, I developed code that modified the robot's pushForce function, which commands its arm to apply a constant force in a given direction, aiding in holding materials up while wearing the robot.

Additionally, I implemented an orientation filter within the pushForce function, which allows the arm to continue pushing in a singular direction within the world frame even as the individual twists and turns, simulating movement should an individual wish to keep an object held in place using the arm as they moved around.

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I also designed and 3D printed a case for the RealSense case, which would protect the camera from impact should the arm accidentally hit it while also securely fastening both the RealSense and the camera wire to the robot and modules.

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