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Habitat's Airlock System

Skills: SolidWorks, Machine Shop

Linkage WB.jpg

The goal of this project was to develop an assembly of straight bar linkages in teams of three to four that would, when set up on a rig and powered with a motor, maximize the amount of time a button is compressed over the course of 2 minutes.

Team Members:

  • Fatima Basit

  • Kevin Frey

  • Rachel Hsin

Our team opted to use a four bar linkage system for our design in order to be able to focus on optimizing the trajectory that the linkages rotated through without worrying about the effects of extra linkages within the system. As a result, we were able to easily make minor adjustments to iterate our designs, allowing us to observe and track the impacts of these changes to the trajectory of our linkages and later determine an optimal assembly for our desired path.


This is our team's final linkage assembly running on the rig during Test Day 2. Testing consisted of setting our assembly up on the rig, then having a TA run the motor for 2 minutes while an arduino tracked the duration that the button was compressed over the duration of the test. Our final testing time was 58.2 seconds over the course of 2 minutes, which was in the upper percentile of the class.

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