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Hi there! I'm Rohan, a graduate of the Master of Science in Robotics program at Carnegie Mellon University as part of the Class of 2023. I pursued my undergraduate degree at CMU as well with a Major in Mechanical Engineering and a Minor in Robotics. I am currently pursuing research over the summer while looking for new graduate and full time positions focused in Machine Learning, Computer Vision, and Planning applications starting in January 2024.


As a graduate student, I work with David Wettergreen to process spectral data and develop neural networks for Coral Reef Mapping and Unmixing. My experience with machine learning has been further developed as a Machine Learning Intern at Verdant Robotics during Summer 2022, where I not only trained networks but also significantly aided in the development of their data processing pipeline and programs. Through my coursework, I have additionally had heavy exposure to programming in Python and C++ for classical computer vision image processing and planning algorithm implementation and optimization.

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